Before the formal introduction, I hereby proclaim this to be a hodgepodge bulletin column. Welcome to Advent and Year C for the lectionary cycle! This means that we will primarily be hearing from Luke’s Gospel during Sunday Mass. Yes, I know this is totally nerdy. Luke has a good amount of unique content—more narratives about Mary, details about Jesus’ birth, the prodigal son, and more! Luke’s Gospel is traditionally considered to be Paul’s Gospel as they worked closely together on the missionary journeys. Perhaps, this Advent you can prayerfully read through Luke’s entire Gospel. It would be a great way to prepare for the coming of our Lord this Christmas. Besides, it is always cool to read the Bible.
Thank you all so much for your many prayers and patience while I was coping with my sleep disorder and working with the doctors. You are all incredible. It is an immense comfort to know how many of my wonderful parishioners were praying for me and continue to do so. Those prayers did not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Thank you. Good news alert! We can give thanks that my current treatment is working. I have not felt this awake as far back as I can remember. Praise God! I ask for continued prayers and patience as we fine tune the treatment and keep an eye out for potential side effects.
I am taking things slowly with a gradual and prayerful increasing of my workload. Also, please continue to pray that I stay open to God’s will for me—that I view this treatment as a free gift from God and not anything that I have a right to. I always hope that I am able to accept whatever cross our Lord wishes to share with me for the salvation of the most souls. I am most definitely not at this level of abandonment to Divine Providence yet, so please continue to pray for this acceptance and so that I don’t whine too much in the process. Thank you for your prayers. Please know that you all are in my prayers daily. Lastly, don’t forget that in one week is the reopening of OLR upon which we return to the normal weekday and weekend Mass schedule effective Sunday, December 5! In Christ, Fr. Jeff