One of the things that drew me to the priesthood was the fact that people invite priests, and the Church, into their lives at significant moments. When new life enters the world, or when couples are preparing to give themselves to each other in
matrimony, or when a loved one is reaching their final moments, people reach out to the Church in order to bring God into their lives. Some of these moments are easier to identify than others. When people are standing in front of the congregation at Mass, wearing fancy clothes or holding a new baby and everyone is taking pictures, it’s obvious that something important is happening. But there’s a much more private event in people’s relationship with God that remains one of my favorite priestly ministries.
Hearing confessions and giving people the opportunity to pray in front of Jesus, present to us in the Blessed Sacrament, is a constant source of fulfillment for me as a priest. This past week we had our regional penance service, with the opportunity for people to gather as a parish community and celebrate being forgiven and healed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Over the next three weeks we will have time set aside in the evening to pray quietly and bring our sins to the foot of the Cross, asking for God’s healing. Lent is a great time to make a good confession, but it’s an even better time to rededicate ourselves to the devotions and practices that keep us close to God throughout the year.
Fr. Lambert and I will be exposing the Blessed Sacrament and hearing confessions at each of the three parishes for the next three Wednesdays, and we would love to have many people come to Church to be refreshed and renewed in their Faith.
Time spent with Our Lord is never wasted, and it’s necessary to hear what God is calling us to in our lives as disciples. Know of our continued prayers for the region, and please keep the priests, deacons, and staff in your prayers as well as we prepare to celebrate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord in the coming weeks.