Our Lady of the Rosary: Servers are especially needed at 11:30 am Mass. We will be conducting a workshop for new and current servers on
Saturday, May 19, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am and
Tuesday, May 22, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. All new and current servers and at least one parent are required to attend one of the workshops. Please contact
Deacon Matt with any questions or if you are interested in serving as a lector or extraordinary minister: mskinnerwintonwyomingpr.org
St. Matthias the Apostle: Extraordinary ministers and servers are needed at both Mass times. If you wish to consider becoming a server, lector or extraordinary minister at St. Matthias, please contact
Deacon Dominic with any questions: dvuwintonwyomingpr.org.
St. James of the Valley: Extraordinary ministers and servers are especially needed 4:30 pm Mass. If you wish to consider becoming a server, lector or extraordinary minister at St. James, please contact
Deacon Walt at whuckewintonwyomingpr.org.