We would like to thank those of you who have submitted your 2018 Summer Festival Sponsorships! We are well on our way but still need more help.
Sponsorship donations are still being accepted until June 11.
Please fill out your sponsorship forms and mail to the PAC, drop off at the parish office or place in the Sun-day collection. Extra letters are available in the parish office. Thank you in advance for helping make our 2018 Summer Festival a success! We cannot wait to see you
June 22 and 23, from 6:00 pm - Midnight!
2018 Summer Festival yard signs are available for the taking! Please take a yard sign, located in the rear of church, and place in your yard or busy intersection. Please help get the word out for our fun and exciting community event!
Contact Joe Meister at
[email protected]with sponsorship or volunteer questions.