Members of vibrant parishes are involved in all areas of service, including liturgical ministers. The churches of the WWPR are scheduling these ministers for
November 30-February 26, and more are needed. Please prayerfully consider helping your church by becoming involved in a ministry and making our
parishes amazing!
Volunteers in all areas are welcome but are
especially needed for the following:
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion -
St. Matthias, 4:30 pm; St. James, 4:30 pm;
and Our Lady of the Rosary, 9:00 am.
Servers - St. Matthias 4:30 pm; St. James 4:30 pm; and Our Lady of the Rosary, 11:30 am.
If you are interested in serving in any ministry, please contact your deacon to get started.
**St. Matthias parishioners will have the opportunity
to learn about, ask questions, and sign up for all
ministries after Masses the weekend of Nov. 23-24. These ministries include
Ushers/Greeters Choir
Lectors Bereavement
Servers Prayer Chain
Communion to the Homebound
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Many thanks to all the liturgical ministers who use online ministry scheduler. Last quarter
volunteers in our region filled 34 swap requests online. However, there are frequently swap requests and open positions that have gone or may go unfilled. Please visit to volunteer for special Masses during
Advent. As the source and summit of our faith lives, offering quality liturgy is a high priority of each parish. Please consider how you and your family might be able to serve your parish in these ministries.