Let’s put names with faces. We have chosen to partner with Lifetouch for professional photography that will connect the three parishes of the Winton Wyoming Pastoral Region. Lifetouch will photograph at each parish location. In your one-hour session you will be professionally photographed, be able to immediately view your portraits and have an opportunity to purchase additional portraits. However, NO purchase is required AND each family will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and directory for participating. Sign-ups can be done online starting now. Log on to the WWPR Website @ http://wintonwyomingpr.org/directory Then click on the location that works best for your schedule. You can also call Kathleen Holt at St. Matthias to register at 513-851-1930. Our Lady of the Rosary Location May 1-7 Monday - Friday 2 - 9pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday Noon - 7pm St. James Location May 8-14 Monday - Friday 2 - 9pm Saturday 10am - 4pm Sunday Noon - 7pm St. Matthias Location May 17-21 Monday - Friday 2 - 9pm Saturday 10am - 4pm Sunday Noon - 7pm Make up dates are June 2 & 3 at Our Lady of the Rosary