Lectors proclaim the Word of God clearly and understandably so that all who hear may respond. If you wish to consider this ministry, please reach out to a priest or deacon.
These lay people are sometimes referred to as Eucharistic Ministers. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve by bringing communion to parishioners who reside in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or in their own homes and unable to get to church. They also may assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist at Mass. If you wish to consider this ministry, please reach out to a priest or deacon.
Being a welcoming community is very important to us. Greeters are the first face that people see upon entering the church. Their greeting helps to set the tone for the service. Ushers offer assistance to those in need, take up the collection, assist those carrying the bread and wine to the altar during the Offertory of the Mass and distribute the parish bulletins and other materials as needed. If you wish to consider this ministry, please reach out to a priest or deacon.
Sacristans assist, facilitate, and provide support and coordination for other liturgical ministries. In addition, they make the necessary preparations for liturgical activities. If you wish to consider this ministry, please reach out to a priest or deacon.
This group of people provides an invaluable service to our worship services by arranging flowers, plants and other decorations in the church. While their work is especially noticeable on major feast days such as Christmas and Easter, they work year round to assure that our church is suitably decorated. If you wish to consider this ministry, please reach out to a priest or deacon.
Serving at the Mass is an incredible gift and privilege—what an honor to be that close to the Holy Sacrifice! This ministry provides members of the parish with a true opportunity to function as lay ministers by reverently assisting the celebrant during Sunday Mass and at special liturgies throughout the year. If you wish to consider this ministry, please reach out to the office for more information.