Our next “Assembly of Disciples” gathering will be at St. James of the Valley in the Church on Tuesday, January 23 at 7:00 pm.
As you may remember we had our first of three gatherings in August at St. Matthias, where we began the process of looking ahead at the ministries we would offer this year. At our upcoming gathering, we will look at where we are, where we want to go, and what steps we will need to take to get there.
Some of the ministries we will be discussing are: the Alpha courses, the Lenten Mission, St. Vincent de Paul, RCIA, etc. We are all called to serve God and others, and our region’s parishes offer us many opportunities to do just that. The Assembly of Disciples is an opportunity to learn about Ministries, exploring ways that we can be involved either through participating or leading in any one of the numerous ministries we offer.
Please join us! Everyone in our region is welcome and your input is invaluable.