Dinner and a show! Join the fun at 5:30 pm
Saturday, October 27 for a good-natured Chili Challenge Cook-Off and Potluck Dinner in the hall outside of the St. James Gym.
Bring a chili–friendly dish to share (Last name beginning with A-L sides, M-Z, desserts) and enter the judging of the Chili Challenge. $5.00 gets you a string of tickets to use to “vote” for your favorite chili. Sample them all! Soft drinks, beer and wine will be available for purchase.
For added fun, Cincinnati Sound Chorus, Cincinnati’s own acapella Sweet Adeline’s chorus, will present Cincinnati Crosstown Sing-Off. Fun and games will be in the gym from 7-8:00 pm and a concert from 8-9:00 pm. Tickets for the concert are sold separately from the potluck—available in advance from Beth Kiley for $12.00 for children and seniors and $15.00 for adults (
[email protected]).
Please join us for a fun family evening for everyone! All are welcome.