Sunday, April 25, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We will celebrate this day by introducing a Vocations Chalice at Our Lady of the Rosary. The Vocations Chalice will be presented to a family, individual, or couple each Sunday at the conclusion of Mass. That family, individual, or couple will take the Vocations
Chalice home and use it as a focal point while praying daily for an increase in religious vocations. In successive weeks, the Vocations Chalice is passed to other families, individuals, or couples.
The Vocations Chalice anchors the family, individual, or couple in prayer to their home environment, teaching that prayer is for inside church walls as well as in the home. It is an instrument that draws people more deeply into the liturgy as well, as they can see the chalice that was once in their homes being used in the
celebration of Mass.
Praying for vocations is the most powerful way to support vocations and is a responsibility and privilege of the laity. A vocation is a call from the Holy Spirit, a gift from God that is nurtured in prayer. When we pray for vocations, we lift up to our Father those men and women who He is calling in a very special way.
Here is how it will work. Each week at an OLR Sunday Mass, the celebrant will use the Vocations Chalice. After purifying the chalice at the end of Communion, he will call a family, individual, or couple forward to receive the chalice. He will present the chalice (in a carrying case) to them and will commission them with a blessing to lift up prayers for vocations during the coming week. The family, couple, or individual will take the chalice home and put it in a place of honor, placing this important religious symbol in a prominent place in their home environment. We ask all to remember that this is a consecrated chalice that should be handled with utmost respect and care. Do not drink from the chalice or use it any way.
Each day for a week, during prayer time (morning, bedtime, or at meals), the family, individual, or couple prays for an increase and perseverance of vocations. Suggested prayers and a prayer journal travel with the Vocations Chalice. Each week the family, individual, or couple that has the chalice enters a thought, prayer, or scripture verse in the journal. Over time, this journal becomes a spiritual journal for the parish.
The chalice is returned on the following Saturday morning and is passed on to others the next day. Families, individuals, or couples sign up for the chalice on a sign-up sheet in the church.
At this time, there is one Vocations Chalice. Any parishioner in the region is welcome to participate, but the handing off will only take place at OLR. We hope to one day expand this ministry to include chalices at St. James of the Valley and St. Matthias. In the meantime, we will continue to pray the Prayer for Vocations in community at all three parishes, and encourage everyone to pray for vocations as part of their daily prayer.