Wednesday, March 28
6:30-8:00 pm, Penance & Exposition, St. Matthias
Holy Thursday, March 29
No 8:00 am Masses
7:00 pm, Regional Mass, St. Matthias
Followed by Exposition (St. Matthias Chapel)
Good Friday, March 30
No 8:30 am Mass
12:10 pm, St. Matthias
1:00 pm, Our Lady of the Rosary
7:00 pm, St. James of the Valley
Stations of the Cross:
7:00 pm, Our Lady of the Rosary
Holy Saturday, March 31
No 8:00 am Mass or Communion Service
No Confessions on Saturday, March 31
8:30 pm, Regional Vigil Mass,
Our Lady of the Rosary
Easter Sunday Mass, April 1
9:00 & 11:00 am, St. Matthias
9:00 & 11:00 am, St. James of the Valley
9:00 & 11:30 am, Our Lady of the Rosary
Regional Offices Closed
Friday, March 30 & Monday, April 2